We Don't Want To Clog Your Inbox: Introducing Email Preferences

As we continue to expand our work, we want to make sure we’re sending you only the emails that are relevant to you. To accomplish this, we’re dividing our mailings into the following categories:

  • Weekly Wrap Up (Non-Default)
    Catch up with us by reading a weekly summary of our newly released publications
  • Prescriptive Analysis (Default)
    Our view of how policymakers should be thinking and acting right now
  • Descriptive Analysis - Low Frequency (Default)
    Periodic descriptive pieces for those interested in macro and sector-level analysis
  • Descriptive Analysis - High Frequency ($) (Non-Default)
    Donors of a certain threshold will be eligible for additional descriptive content. All other subscribers will receive only paywalled snippets and one-off complementary posts. If you are interested in receiving the full posts, contact donate@employamerica.org

How To Edit Email Preferences

  1. Log in to your account on the Employ America website and click on the profile icon in the lower right-hand corner
  2. Under the email preferences tab, select manage
  3. Select the categories you’re interested in

    That’s it! If you need additional help managing your email preferences, please reach out to info@employamerica.org and we would be happy to assist.